Submission instructions that apply to examples other than implementation guide (TR3) examples
- Submitted examples must include a descriptive scenario and the associated data stream.
- Fictional individuals in the examples cannot be characters from books, plays, movies, songs or any other copyrighted or public domain character.
- The submitter must provide contact information.
- The submitter may choose to have their name on the web page or not.
- The submitter may revoke the example and have it removed from the website after it is posted by sending an email to
- The submitter may submit revisions to the example after it is posted by sending an email to
Submission instructions that apply to implementation guide (TR3) segment TR3 examples
- Updates to implementation guide (TR3) examples must be submitted by the X12 group's chair or co-chair.
- Fictional individuals in the examples cannot be characters from books, plays, movies, songs or any other copyrighted or public domain character.
- The submitter must provide contact information.
- Include the TR3's ID, for example, 008030X323.
- Include the loop ID, if appropriate, for example, 1000A
- Include the segment's ID and name, for example, NM1 Submitter Name.