Section title: External Code Lists

Service Type Codes


These codes identify business groupings for health care services or benefits.

This code list is not applicable to the 005010 version. Reference the Service Type Code listing within the 005010X279 Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response (270/271) implementation guide for a list of compliant Service Type Code values allowed in the 005010 version.

Maintenance Request Status

The list below shows the status of change requests which are in process.

Each request will be in one of the following statuses:

  1. Received
    The request has been submitted but is not yet under review.
  2. Pending
    Staff has looked at the request to ensure it's a legitimate request (not spam), that it is assigned to the correct CMG, and that all required information is present.
  3. In Process
    The CMG has initiated their decision process.
  4. On Hold
    The CMG has initiated their decision process but cannot complete it at this time.
  5. CMG Approved
    The CMG has considered and approved the request, this does not mean it was approved exactly as submitted, it means maintenance related to the request was approved. Requests in this status will be applied to the next version.
  6. CMG Disapproved
    The CMG has considered and disapproved the request, no maintenance action will occur. Requests in this status are complete/final.
Status Last Reviewed: 3/1/2025
Num. Date Requested Description Type Code Status
46 5/15/2024 Naturopathy involves using natural remedies to assist the body's self-healing process, administered by a naturopathic physician. New   Pending

Maintenance Request Form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

*The description you are suggesting for a new code or to replace the description for a current code.

*Explain the business scenario or use case when the requested new code would be used, the reason an existing code is no longer appropriate for the code list’s business purpose, or reason the current description needs to be revised.

1Medical Care
Medical services to diagnose and/or treat a medical condition, illness, or injury
Start: 09/20/2009
Surgical services provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
Counseling and/or coordination of care with other Physicians, other qualified Healthcare Providers or agencies
Start: 09/20/2009
4Diagnostic X-Ray
Diagnostic x-ray provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
5Diagnostic Lab
Diagnostic lab provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
6Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
Anesthesia services provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
8Surgical Assistance
Assistant surgeon/surgical assistance provided by a healthcare provider if required because of the complexity of the surgical procedures
Start: 09/20/2009
9Hearing Aid
Small electronic device that is worn in or above the ear.
Start: 09/01/2023
The allotment of whole blood, blood plasma, or blood derivatives
Start: 09/20/2009
11Durable Medical Equipment Used
Used equipment needed for medical reasons to be used by a person that is ill or injured and is ordered by a health care provider for use in the home.
Start: 09/20/2009
12Durable Medical Equipment Purchased
Purchased equipment needed for medical reasons to be used by a person that is ill or injured and is ordered by a healthcare provider for use in the home.
Start: 09/20/2009
13Hearing Aid Power Source
Batteries or other type of device used to charge a hearing aid
Start: 09/01/2023
14Renal Supplies
Supplies to support treatment of kidneys, or bladder functions. (Example: Dialysis Supplies and/or catheters)
Start: 09/20/2009
15Sleep Study

Start: 01/01/2024
17Pre-Admission Testing
Services related to the preparation for admission to establish the patients current health status.
Start: 09/20/2009
18Durable Medical Equipment Rental
Rental equipment needed for medical reasons to be used by a person that is ill or injured and is ordered by a healthcare provider for use in the home.
Start: 09/20/2009
19Pneumonia Vaccine
Services provided by a physician or other healthcare provider related to administration of Pneumococcal Pneumonia vaccination.
Start: 09/20/2009
20Second Surgical Opinion
Second professional opinion sought to verify or confirm the necessity for surgical procedures
Start: 09/20/2009
21Third Surgical Opinion
Third professional opinion sought to verify or confirm the necessity for surgical procedures
Start: 09/20/2009
22Social Work
Services related to a systematic way of helping individuals and groups towards better adaptation to society
Start: 09/20/2009
23Diagnostic Dental
The translation of data gathered by clinical and radiographic examination into an organized, classified definition of conditions present.
Start: 09/20/2009
The art and science of examination, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the periodontium; a study of the supporting structures of the teeth, normal anatomy and physiology and the deviations.
Start: 09/20/2009
Broad term applied to any restorations to the tooth/teeth structure(s). Anterior teeth include up to five surface classifications - Mesial, Distal, Incisal, Lingual and Labial. Posterior teeth include up to five surface classifications: Mesial, Distal, Occlusal, Lingual and Buccal.
Start: 09/20/2009
The branch of dentistry that is concerned with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the dental pulp and periradicular (gum) tissues.
Start: 09/20/2009
27Maxillofacial Prosthetics
The branch of prosthetics is concerned with the restoration of stomatognathic and associated facial structure that have been affected by disease, injury, surgery, or congenital defect.
Start: 09/20/2009
28Adjunctive Dental Services
Typically these services involve a drug such as anesthesia or other substances that serve as a supplemental purpose in dental therapy.
Start: 09/20/2009
30Plan Coverage and General Benefits
Plan coverage and general benefits for the member's policy or contract.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 11/01/2019
32Plan Waiting Period

Start: 09/20/2009
Manipulations and modalities provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
34Chiropractic Modality

Start: 09/20/2009 | Stop: 07/01/2016
35Dental Care
The treatment of the teeth and their supporting structures.
Start: 09/20/2009
36Dental Crowns
An artificial replacement for the natural crown of the tooth covering all five surfaces (Anterior teeth surface classifications - Mesial, Distal, Incisal, Lingual and Labial. Posterior teeth surface classifications: Mesial, Distal, Occlusal, Lingual and Buccal.
Start: 09/20/2009
37Dental Accident
Supplies or appliances for care of teeth due to accidental injury provided by healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
The area of dentistry concerned with the supervision, guidance, and correction of the growing and mature orofacial structures. This includes conditions that require movement of the teeth or correction of the malrelationships and malformations of related structures by the adjustment of relationships between and among teeth and facial bones by the application of forces or the stimulation and redirection of functional forces within the craniofacial complex.
Start: 09/20/2009
The part of dentistry pertaining to the restoration and maintenance of oral function, comfort, appearance and health of the patient by replacement of missing teeth and contiguous tissues with artificial substitutes. It has three main branches: removable prosthodontics, fixed prosthodontics and maxillofacial prosthetics.
Start: 09/20/2009
40Oral Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the mouth, teeth, jaws and facial structure provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
41Preventive Dental
The dental procedures in dental practice and health programs that prevent the occurrence of oral diseases.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 01/24/2010
42Home Health Care
Healthcare services rendered in the home by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
43Home Health Prescriptions

Start: 09/20/2009
An integrated set of services and supplies to provide palliative and supportive care to terminally ill patients.
Start: 09/20/2009
46Respite Care
Services related to temporary care of a dependent elderly, ill, or handicapped person, providing relief for their usual caregivers
Start: 09/20/2009
Hospital Inpatient and Outpatient services and supplies for a patient who may or may not have been admitted to a hospital, for the purpose of receiving medical care or other health services.
Start: 09/20/2009
49Hospital - Room and Board

Start: 09/20/2009
54Long Term Care
Care provided for an individual when they cannot care for themselves within the home or in a facility
Start: 09/20/2009
55Major Medical

Start: 09/20/2009
56Medically Related Transportation
Ambulance, Ambulate or other Medical transport services
Start: 09/20/2009
60Plan Coverage
Indicates whether a patient has active or inactive coverage for the service date requested.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 11/01/2019
61In-vitro Fertilization
Services to treat infertility
Start: 09/20/2009
62MRI Scan
Diagnostic MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) services.
Start: 09/20/2009
63Donor Procedures
Services related to the collection of tissues, organs, or fluids for use in the treatment for another person
Start: 09/20/2009
A system of alternative treatment that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles
Start: 09/20/2009
65Newborn Care
Management of the infant during the transition to extra uterine life and subsequent period of stabilization
Start: 09/20/2009
Creation of slides from tissues and its interpretation provided by a healthcare provider
Start: 09/20/2009
67Smoking Cessation
Treatment to assist in the discontinuation of the use of nicotine
Start: 09/20/2009
68Well Baby Care
Medical services and physician visits which are recommended by the American Pediatric Association as appropriate and routine care for a child to a specific age limit.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to maternity care including related conditions resulting in childbirth when provided, or ordered and billed by a physician or nurse midwife
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the transfer of living organs or tissue from one body to another.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to hearing disorders, including evaluation of hearing function and rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairment
Start: 09/20/2009
72Inhalation Therapy
Services related to the use of inhaled agents to treat respiratory diseases and conditions
Start: 09/20/2009
73Diagnostic Medical
Services required to determine the diagnose to treat a medical condition, illness, or injury
Start: 09/20/2009
74Private Duty Nursing
A nurse who is hired to provide focused care to an individual patient in a hospital, clinic, nursing home or patient's home
Start: 09/20/2009
A device that is used to replace a part of the body that is missing.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 07/01/2016
The process by which uric acid and urea are removed from circulating blood by means of a dialyzer
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to diagnosis and treatment of the ear and related structures
Start: 09/20/2009
The treatment of disease by means of chemicals that have a specific toxic effect upon the disease-producing microorganisms or that selectively destroy cancerous tissue.
Start: 09/20/2009
79Allergy Testing
A skin or blood test to determine what substance, or allergen, may trigger an allergic response in a person
Start: 09/20/2009
The introduction of a vaccine with the goal of producing immunity
Start: 09/20/2009
81Routine Physical
A physical examination performed on asymptomatic patients for medical screening purposes.
Start: 09/20/2009
82Family Planning
Educational services that assists individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services to diagnose and/or treat infertility. Covered services may include assisted reproductive technology procedures.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the elective termination of a pregnancy
Start: 09/20/2009
85HIV - AIDS Treatment
Services related to diagnosis and treatment of HIV - AIDS
Start: 09/20/2009
86Emergency Services
Services provided by healthcare providers for the treatment of a sudden and unexpected medical condition or injury which requires immediate medical attention
Start: 09/20/2009
87Cancer Treatment
Services related to diagnosis and treatment of cancer not performed by an Oncologist
Start: 09/20/2009
88Retail/Independent Pharmacy
A licensed entity that dispenses prescription drugs and provides professional pharmacy services, such as clinical pharmacy consulting respective to the dispensing function. The entity may be a retail/chain or independent pharmacy or any other entity which dispenses prescription drugs.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 05/01/2017
89Free Standing Prescription Drug
Members have separate cost sharing for prescription drugs and medical coverage.
Start: 09/20/2009
90Mail Order Pharmacy
A mail order pharmacy delivers medications directly to patients through the mail.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 05/01/2017
91Brand Name Prescription Drug
The original formulation of a prescription drug, approved by the FDA for distribution.
Start: 09/20/2009
92Generic Prescription Drug
Generic drugs are copies of brand-name drugs that have exactly the same dosage, intended use, effects, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety, and strength as the original drug. In other words, their pharmacological effects are exactly the same as those of their brand-name counterparts.
Start: 09/20/2009
Professional services of a physician or other healthcare provider for the care or treatment of conditions of the foot.
Start: 09/20/2009
94Dental and prediagnostic tests and examinations
Refer to the American Dental Association Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT Code).
Start: 03/01/2019
95Periodontal Surgical Services
Refer to the American Dental Association Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT Code).
Start: 03/01/2019
96Adjustment to dentures/repairs to complete dentures, denture rebase procedures, and denture reline procedures
Refer to the American Dental Association Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT Code).
Start: 03/01/2019
97Dental, non-surgical extractions
Refer to the American Dental Association Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT Code).
Start: 03/01/2019
98Prescription Drug

Start: 03/01/2019
99Bariatric services - Services that deal with the causes, education, prevention and treatment of obesity.

Start: 07/01/2019
Services related to the diagnosis or treatment of mental health.
Start: 09/20/2009
Professional services, including individual or group therapy by providers such as psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, or psychiatric nurses.
Start: 09/20/2009
A7Psychiatric - Inpatient

Start: 09/20/2009
A8Psychiatric - Outpatient

Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to facilitate the process of recovery from injury, illness, or disease to as normal a condition as possible
Start: 09/20/2009
ABRehabilitation - Inpatient

Start: 09/20/2009
ACRehabilitation - Outpatient

Start: 09/20/2009
ADOccupational Therapy
Professional and facility occupational therapy services performed by an occupational therapist, physician or other healthcare provider at a hospital, office or other covered facility.
Start: 09/20/2009
AEPhysical Medicine
Services related to the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of persons of all ages with physical and/or cognitive impairment and disability.
Start: 09/20/2009
AFSpeech Therapy
Professional and facility speech therapy services performed by a speech therapist, physician or other healthcare provider at a hospital, office or other covered facility.
Start: 09/20/2009
AGSkilled Nursing Care
Services for a patient in a skilled nursing facility for the purpose of receiving medical care or other health services.
Start: 09/20/2009
AISubstance Abuse
Services provided at a hospital, office or other covered facility as they are related to the diagnosis and treatment of Substance Abuse.
Start: 09/20/2009
AJAlcoholism Treatment
Services related to the management of Alcohol dependencies or addiction
Start: 09/20/2009
AKDrug Addiction
Services related to the management of Drug dependencies or addiction, excluding Alcohol
Start: 09/20/2009
Routine vision services furnished by an optometrist. May include coverage for eyeglasses, contact lenses, routine eye exams, and/or vision testing for the prescribing or fitting of eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Start: 09/20/2009
The framework for a pair of eyeglasses
Start: 09/20/2009
A piece of transparent substance having two opposite surfaces either both curved or one curved and one plane, used in an optical device in correcting defects of vision.
Start: 09/20/2009
APRoutine Eye Exam
A series of tests to evaluate an individual's vision and check for eye diseases.
Start: 09/20/2009
AQNonmedically Necessary Physical (These physicals are required by other entities e.g., insurance application, pilot license, employment or school)
A physical examination performed on asymptomatic patients for medical screening purposes.
Start: 09/20/2009
ARExperimental Drug Therapy
Treatment of a physical or mental condition using non-generally accepted drugs, such as not FDA approved, Clinical Trial.
Start: 09/20/2009
B1Burn Care
Services related to the treatment of Burns
Start: 09/20/2009
B2Brand Name Prescription Drug - Formulary
Lists of brand name drugs covered and published by the health plan/payer/processor/PBM to help physicians reach clinically and economically appropriate prescribing decisions for patients.
Start: 09/20/2009
B3Brand Name Prescription Drug - Non-Formulary
A brand name drug that is not listed on the covered and published list of the health plan/payer/processor/PBM.
Start: 09/20/2009
BAIndependent Medical Evaluation
Services when a doctor/physical therapist/chiropractor/psychologist/neuropsychologist who has not previously been involved in a person's care examines an individual. There is no doctor/therapist-patient relationship.
Start: 09/20/2009
BBPsychiatric Treatment Partial Hospitalization

Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 03/01/2023
BCDay Care (Psychiatric)

Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 03/01/2023
BDCognitive Therapy
A type of psychotherapy in which negative patterns of thought, are challenged in order to alter unwanted behavior patterns or treat mood disorders.
Start: 09/20/2009
BEMassage Therapy
The manipulation of muscles and other soft tissues of the body by a therapist for the treatment of health conditions such as pain, cancer, fibromyalgia, HIV/AIDS, depression.
Start: 09/20/2009
BFPulmonary Rehabilitation
Services and instructional guidance administered to an individual suffering from respiratory disease in an attempt to improve the quality of life for the patient.
Start: 09/20/2009
BGCardiac Rehabilitation
Services and instructional guidance rendered by a physician or other healthcare provider in a hospital or covered facility that are designed to help an individual recover from a cardiovascular event
Start: 09/20/2009
Treatment or care related to infants, children, and adolescents
Start: 09/20/2009
BINursery Room and Board
Treatment or care related to newborns
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the correction or prevention of deformities, disorders, or injuries of the skeleton and associated structures.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services of or relating to the heart
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to a lymph, lymph node, or a lymphatic vessel
Start: 09/20/2009
Services to treat disorders of the stomach and intestines, and related systems
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the systems that secrete hormones
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the treatment of the nerves or nervous system.
Start: 09/20/2009
Medical care and management of the female reproductive system and associated disorders provided by a physician or other healthcare provider.
Start: 09/20/2009
Medical care and management related to the care of a woman prior, during and after pregnancy, provided by a physician or other healthcare provider.
Start: 09/20/2009

Start: 09/20/2009
BWMail Order Prescription Drug: Brand Name

Start: 09/20/2009 | Stop: 07/01/2016
BXMail Order Prescription Drug: Generic

Start: 09/20/2009 | Stop: 07/01/2016
BYPhysician Visit - Sick
Professional services rendered by a physician or other healthcare provider during a non-routine visit related to a illness.
Start: 09/20/2009
BZPhysician Visit - Well
Professional services rendered by a physician or other healthcare provider during a routine or preventative care visit.
Start: 09/20/2009
C1Coronary Care
Treatment of diseases of the arteries of the heart
Start: 09/20/2009
CKScreening X-ray
X-ray services provided by a physician or other healthcare provider for the purpose of preventative care.
Start: 09/20/2009
CLScreening laboratory
Laboratory services provided by a physician or other healthcare provider for the purpose of preventative care.
Start: 09/20/2009
CMMammogram, High Risk Patient
Mammography services for patients that have been identified with a greater than normal risk for breast cancers and related diseases.
Start: 09/20/2009
CNMammogram, Low Risk Patient
Mammography services for patients that have been identified with a normal risk for breast cancers and related diseases.
Start: 09/20/2009
COFlu Vaccination
Services provided by a physician or other healthcare provider related to the administration of influenza virus vaccination.
Start: 09/20/2009
CPEyewear Accessories
Services related to Eyewear and Eyewear Accessories
Start: 09/20/2009
CQCase Management
Services that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet the client's health and human service needs
Start: 09/20/2009
Services provided by a physician or other healthcare provider involving the skin and its diseases.
Start: 09/20/2009
DMDurable Medical Equipment
Durable medical equipment that can withstand repeated use and is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose and generally is not useful to a person in the absence of an illness or injury.
Start: 09/20/2009
DSDiabetic Supplies
Blood sugar (glucose) test strips, monitors, insulin, lancet devices and lancets, glucose control solutions used to monitor and assist in the treatment of diabetes.
Start: 09/20/2009
E0Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapy
Services related to the assessment and treatment of learning and/or developmental disabilities to include techniques and principles to bring about meaningful and positive changes in behavior, improve attention, focus, memory, academics and/or increase language, communication and social skills.
Start: 09/20/2009 | Last Modified: 07/01/2017
E1Non-Medical Equipment (non DME)
Durable equipment that can withstand repeated use and serves to augment or replace impaired functionality, environmental control and facilitate a patient's independent living.
Start: 09/20/2009
E2Psychiatric Emergency
Emergency services related to the diagnosis or treatment of mental disease.
Start: 09/20/2009
E3Step Down Unit
A hospital unit providing a level of care between intensive and routine.
Start: 09/20/2009
E4Skilled Nursing Facility Head Level of Care
Services directly related to care associated with severe brain injuries requiring a skilled level of care.
Start: 09/20/2009
E5Skilled Nursing Facility Ventilator Level of Care
Services directly related to care associated with ventilator dependent respiratory conditions requiring a skilled level of care.
Start: 09/20/2009
E6Level of Care 1
Skilled Care - Skilled Nursing Care in a regular hospital bed
Start: 09/20/2009
E7Level of Care 2
Comprehensive Care - Skilled Nursing Care Level II includes attributes of prior level plus services such as Wound Care (Stage 3), Tracheotomy Care, etc.
Start: 09/20/2009
E8Level of Care 3
Complex Care - Skilled Nursing Care Level III include attributes of prior levels plus services such as Ventilator Care, Specialty Beds, Peritoneal Dialysis, etc.
Start: 09/20/2009
E9Level of Care 4

Start: 09/20/2009
An image or picture produced on a radiation-sensitive film emulsion by exposure to ionizing radiation direct through an area, region, or substance of interest, followed by chemical processing of the film
Start: 01/24/2010
E11Diagnostic Imaging
The use of radiographic, sonographic, and other technologies to create a graphic depiction of the body parts in question.
Start: 01/24/2010
E12Basic Restorative - Dental

Start: 01/24/2010 | Stop: 07/01/2017
E13Major Restorative - Dental

Start: 01/24/2010 | Stop: 07/01/2017
E14Fixed Prosthodontics
The branch of prosthodontics concerned with the replacement or restoration of teeth by artificial substitutes that are not readily removable such as fixed partial dentures, pontics and abutments.
Start: 01/24/2010
E15Removable Prosthodontics
The branch of prosthodontics concerned with the replacement or restoration of teeth by artificial substitutes that are readily removable such as a denture, partial denture and interim prosthesis.
Start: 01/24/2010
E16Intraoral Images - Complete Series
Complete set of images using radiographic, sonographic, and other technologies representing an image or set of images within the oral cavity.
Start: 01/24/2010
E17Oral Evaluation
The art and science of evaluation to make a clinical judgment or appraisal of a patient's dental health or condition.
Start: 01/24/2010
E18Dental Prophylaxis
A series of procedures where plaque, calculus, and stain are removed from the teeth often referred to as "prophy" or teeth cleaning.
Start: 01/24/2010
E19Panoramic Images
A tomogram of the jaws, taken with a specialized machine designed to present a panoramic view of the full circumferential length of the jaws on a single film.
Start: 01/24/2010
A resinous material designed for application to the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth to seal the surface irregularities and prevent the carious process.
Start: 01/24/2010
E21Fluoride Treatments
A separate process from dental prophylaxis of applying prescription strength fluoride product designed to prevent caries.
Start: 01/24/2010
E22Dental Implants
A device, usually alloplastic, that is surgically inserted into or onto the oral tissue. To be used as a prosthodontic abutment, it should remain quiescent and purely secondary to local tissue physiology.
Start: 01/24/2010
E23Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
Services related to the Impaired function of the temporomandibular articulation of the jaw.
Start: 01/24/2010
E24Retail Pharmacy Prescription Drug
Dispenses prescription drugs and provides professional pharmacy services, such as clinical pharmacy consulting respective to the dispensing function. The entity may be a retail/chain or independent pharmacy or any other entity which dispenses prescription drugs.
Start: 06/06/2010 | Last Modified: 11/01/2017 | Stop: 11/01/2017
E25Long Term Care Pharmacy
Long term care pharmacy serve the residents of nursing homes, assisted care facilities, extended care facilities, retirement homes, or post acute care. These are considered "closed door pharmacies"
Start: 06/06/2010
E26Comprehensive Medication Therapy Management Review
A holistic review of medical care provided by pharmacists whose aim is to optimize drug therapy and improve therapeutic outcomes for patients
Start: 06/05/2011
E27Targeted Medication Therapy Management Review
A targeted medication therapy management (MTM) review is consultation with a patient about their medication therapy related to a specific diagnosis, disease state or medication
Start: 06/05/2011
E28Dietary/Nutritional Services
Nutrition and diet counseling such as: weight management, eating disorders, pregnancy, pediatric, food allergy, diabetes, celiac disease
Start: 01/29/2012
E29Technical Cardiac Rehabilitation Services Component

Start: 09/30/2012 | Stop: 07/01/2016
E30Professional Cardiac Rehabilitation Services Component

Start: 09/30/2012 | Stop: 07/01/2016
E31Professional Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Services Component

Start: 09/30/2012 | Stop: 07/01/2016
E32Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation - Technical Component

Start: 06/02/2013 | Last Modified: 11/01/2016 | Stop: 05/01/2017
E33Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation
A group of physical activities designed to help a patient recover from a cardiovascular event
Start: 06/02/2013
E34Pulmonary Rehabilitation - Technical Component

Start: 06/02/2013 | Last Modified: 11/01/2016 | Stop: 05/01/2017
E35Pulmonary Rehabilitation - Professional Component

Start: 06/02/2013 | Last Modified: 11/01/2016 | Stop: 05/01/2017
E36Convenience Care
A category of walk-in clinic located in retail stores, supermarkets and pharmacies that treat uncomplicated minor illnesses
Start: 06/02/2013
Services provided via telecommunication and/or information technology venues to provide clinical health services.
Start: 07/01/2015
Technical Note: Services performed that are related to telemedicine; not a place of service.
E38Pharmacist Services
Clinical services provided by a pharmacist
Start: 07/01/2015
E39Diabetic Education
Patient educational program designed to bring awareness of diabetes, what it takes to treat it, and the necessary changes that should be made to improve their lifestyle.
Start: 03/01/2016
E40Early Intervention
Services related to treatment for babies or toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities.
Start: 11/01/2016
EAPreventive Services
Preventive services such as check-ups, patient counseling and screenings to prevent illness, disease and other health-related problems.
Start: 09/20/2009
EBSpecialty Pharmacy
Specialty pharmacies are designed to efficiently deliver medications with specialized handling, storage, and distribution requirements. Specialty pharmacies are also designed to improve clinical and economic outcomes for patients with complex, often chronic and rare conditions, with close contact and management by clinicians.
Start: 09/20/2009
ECDurable Medical Equipment New
New equipment needed for medical reasons to be used by a person that is ill or injured and is ordered by a health care provider for use in the home.
Start: 09/20/2009
A multi-dimensional diagnostic image of a cross section of the body that is useful in diagnosing disease
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to diagnosis and treatment of the eye and related structures including surgical services.
Start: 09/20/2009
EFContact Lenses
A thin lens placed directly on the surface of the eye. Contact Lenses are considered medical devices
Start: 09/20/2009
EGFertility Preservation

Start: 11/01/2022
EHMedically Tailored Meals (MTM)
Meals approved by a medical professional or healthcare plan that reflect appropriate dietary therapy for the individual
Start: 03/01/2023
EJIV Therapy
Intravenous (IV) therapy is a medical technique of administering fluids directly into a vein.
Start: 03/01/2023
EOApplied Behavioral Analysis Therapy

Start: 03/01/2017 | Stop: 07/01/2017
F1Medical Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F2Social Work Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F3Dental Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F4Hearing Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F5Prescription Drug Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F6Vision Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F7Orthodontia Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
F8Mental Health Coverage
This code will be used by the payer on the 271 response to show coverage type. This code cannot be submitted with the 270 Inquiry.
Start: 11/01/2015
GFGeneric Prescription Drug - Formulary
Lists of generic drugs covered and published by the health plan/payer/processor/PBM to help physicians reach clinically and economically appropriate prescribing decisions for patients.
Start: 09/20/2009
GNGeneric Prescription Drug - Non-Formulary
A generic drug that is not listed on the covered and published list of the health plan/payer/processor/PBM.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services for conditions caused by abnormal hypersensitivity of the immune system to medications, chemical or food substances, and/or environmental factors.
Start: 09/20/2009
ICIntensive Care
Continuous and closely monitored health care services provided in a hospital to critically ill patients.
Start: 09/20/2009
MHMental Health
Mental Health services provided by a physician or other healthcare providers who are trained and educated to perform services related to mental health and may be licensed or practice within the scope or licensure or training.
Start: 09/20/2009
NINeonatal Intensive Care
Continuous and closely monitored health care services provided in a hospital to critically ill newborn/neonatal patients.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to diagnosis and treatment of cancer provided by an Oncology provider
Start: 09/20/2009
PEPositron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan
A nuclear imaging examination which reveals molecular function and activity.
Start: 09/20/2009
PTPhysical Therapy
Services and care related to evaluation and treatment of injury or disorders
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory conditions.
Start: 09/20/2009
Services related to the diagnosis and treatment of kidney conditions.
Start: 09/20/2009
RTResidential Psychiatric Treatment
Psychiatry services provided at a live-in facility to a person with emotional disorders who requires continuous medication and/or supervision or relief from environmental stresses
Start: 09/20/2009
SMHSerious Mental Health
Services for disorders characterized by severe deficits and pervasive impairment in multiple areas of development.
Start: 01/30/2011
TCTransitional Care
Services related to the coordination and continuity of heath care during a movement from one health care setting to another or to home.
Start: 09/20/2009
TNTransitional Nursery Care
Services related to the coordination and continuity of heath care for a newborn during a movement from one health care setting to another or to home.
Start: 09/20/2009
UCUrgent Care
Medical services and supplies provided by physicians or other healthcare providers for the treatment of an urgent medical condition or injury which requires medical attention.
Start: 09/20/2009