Section title: Requests for Interpretation
835 BPR01

When BPR01 is a D (payment only), can a PLB segment be included?

When BPR01 is an I (remittance only), is table 2 required?

RFI Response

When BPR01 is D, which states “Use this code to instruct your third party processor to move only funds through the banking system and to ignore any remittance information.”, it is permitted to include the PLB segment or Table 2 in the 835 transaction. However, by definition the use of "D" in BPR01 is advising the receiver to ignore any remittance information.

When BPR01 is valued to I, remittance information is required which means either Table 2 or the PLB segment is required. Both may be present. Refer to Section Remittance for further information. Therefore Table 2 is not required when BPR01 is valued to I.
