Section title: Requests for Interpretation
N4 - Foreign Zip Code Requirem

We have a descrepancy regarding the N4 zip code element between two validation tools.

One of the validation tools rejects Canadian zip codes that are formatted according to Canadian zip code format requirements (i.e. with a space in the forth position) the other validation tool does not recognize this as an error.

Example: XXX XXX

Our understanding is that the space should not be acceptable based on X12 syntactics - similar to the "dash" in the US postal zip + 4. Please provide direction on the validity of the CA format within an X12 837 claim transaction.

RFI Response

The description of N403 (X12 data element # 116) reads "Code defining international postal zone codes excluding punctuation and blanks."

Therefore, Canadian postal codes must be reported without any blanks.

Invalid Example: K1A 0B1
Valid Example: K1A0B1
