Section title: Requests for Interpretation
278X217 2010C, NM106

In the 5010 TR3 278X217, Loop 2010C, NM106, Name Prefix states: "Required when military title or rank is needed by the UMO to determine the approriate benefit/level of care."
Are the "prefix" values codified? What values are acceptable? Should I use the same external code source as listed in the TR3 for the 5010 271 response (External Code Source: DOD1 - Military Rank and Health Care Service Region)?

RFI Response

NM106 is an AN element. There is no internal or external code list associated with this element. This allows the use of any AN value of 1 to 10 characters. The WG would welcome the opportunity to discuss the business needs of the industry and if it is deemed necessary, will determine which code list would be appropriate on this element.
