A payoris splitting the procedure on remits because the patient has met their yearly deductible or out of pocket maximum, causing a different benefit level when in the middle of processing a single unit of service. Examples:Billed on claim -99396, quantity 1 for DOS 11/1/10 for $246.00Came back on remit/835 as:1 -99396 Preventive Visit, Est, 40-64 Submitted Charge 237.95 Covered 200.00 Non-covered 37.952 -99396 Preventive Visit, Est, 40-64 Submitted Charge 8.05 Covered 6.77 Non-covered 1.28total payment $206.77Billed on claim -99233, quantity 1 for 11/20/10 for $241.00.Came back on remit/835 as:1 -99233 Subq. Hosp-Day E& Sig Cmpl 35 M Submitted Charge 205.15 Covered 127.88 Non-cov 45.30 Co-in 31.972 -99233 Subq. Hosp-Day E& Sig Cmpl 35 M Submitted Charge 35.85 Covered 35.85Total payment $163.73Is this valid under the guide?
The situation described is not unbundling or service line splitting and is not described in the guide. Please refer to section line splitting as a result of adjudication instructions. "Line splitting reported in the 835 may only be a result of a business issue. Line splitting as a result of an adjudication system limitation (Technical Issue), must be recombined prior to reporting in the 835" We can see no valid business scenario for the examples described.