Section title: Resources

ASC Task and Work Group Co-chairs Responsibilities and Criteria

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Officer Qualifications

  1. An ASC subordinate group officer must be a member representative of a For-Profit Organization, Non-profit Organization, Government Agency, or an Individual Member to be eligible to hold an elected office. A member representative of an Academic Associate, Honorary Associate (previously known as Member Emeritus), Reciprocal Associate, or Transitional Associate is not eligible to hold an elected office.   
  2. If a subcommittee has established stakeholder criteria, an ASC subordinate group officer shall be a member representative on the roster of a subcommittee stakeholder.
    1. X12N has established stakeholder criteria.
  3. If a subcommittee has established constituent criteria, an ASC subordinate group officer shall be a subcommittee constituent.
    1. X12N has not established separate constituent criteria.
  4. To ensure a balanced representation of stakeholders between and within the subcommittees,
    1. An individual shall not simultaneously serve as an ASC subordinate group officer for more than one task or work group within a subcommittee.
    2. An ASC subordinate group officer shall not hold any other elected or appointed position within the parent subcommittee or its other subordinate groups without the express consent of the subcommittee chair.
    3. An individual shall not simultaneously serve as a subordinate group chair in more than one ASC subcommittee.


Chair Responsibilities

  1. Overseeing the group’s activities
  2. Ensuring the group’s activities align with its approved purpose and scope
  3. Preparing meeting agendas
  4. Calling and presiding at meetings, the chair shall determine the order of business and has the authority to establish rules for the conduct of the meeting to the extent that such rules do not conflict with the organizational, committee, and subcommittee policies and procedures
  5. Ensuring due process is followed regarding motions and voting items and appropriate consideration of all suggestions, recommendations, requests, and maintenance items
  6. Communicating information to the subordinate group constituents as appropriate
  7. Communicating information about the subordinate group to the establishing group chair or as requested by the establishing group chair
  8. Supporting the group’s consensus decisions within X12 and externally
  9. Assuming secretary duties in the event of vacancy or absence
  10. Assigning duties as necessary to advance the group’s work
  11. Other duties as required to oversee the subordinate group’s activities